I6IBE Ivo Brugnera Satellite Communications AWARD
- 50th anniversary of the launch of SPUTNIK 1 | - Fuji Award FO-29 satellite |
- South Africa Amsat Satellite Communication Achievement Award____ | - JAMSAT Five Stars Award |
- Oscar satellite Communications Achievement Award | - Targa I5TDJ Piero Moroni |
- Amsat ITALIA Certificato | - ISS Achievement Award |
- ISS Qsl for SSTV | - NIKAWA FITSat-1 Led Japan |
- ARISAT Kedr AWARD secret word | - ARISAT Kedr AWARD sstvRISAT Kedr |
- ARISAT Kedr AWARD Telemetry Packet | - ISS Achievement AWARD 5 stich |
-Award Request AMSAT, Bruce Paige KK5DO http://www.amsatnet.com/ or FO-29 Fuji Award http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/5_Fuji/eaward.htm
JAMSAT five star Award http://www.jamsat.or.jp/award/index_e.html